A tailored research training for medical doctors
We offer tailored training on relevant knowledge and competencies, summer schools, online training, and a mentoring programme that includes peer-revision among the fellows and one-to-one counselling between each fellow and a selected mentor. Moreover, each fellows prepares a Career Development Plan that states the key experiments, potential risks, timeline, contingency plans, ethical considerations and career goals.
A European network for collaborations
During the training, each fellow will carry out secondments and short visits based on the specific career interests. These visits can be done in our Partner Organisations such as international research institutes, clinical centres, and private companies, and the fellow will also be able to propose additional organizations that fit their research project and career perspectives.

An advanced training at host institutions
Each hiring research centre offers advanced training programmes locally, including a broad portfolio of courses in research, technology, digital skills and innovation, as well as career development activities, such as leadership trainings and coaching.
Summer schools
Facilitate collaborative learning in a peer group and provide engaging training by experts
One of the most ambitious training activities that we offer are the summer schools that bring together all the Emerald fellows. The schools are approximately one-week long and address scientific and technological topics, as well as open science, innovation, communication and career development. They help building a community and facilitate collaborations within Emerald.